
Morocco axes Orascom-led group from solar project

Morocco has excluded a group led by Egypt-based Orascom Construction Industries from the bidding for the first phase of a major solar energy project, l'Economiste newspaper reported on Friday,Reuters...

The Mediterranean Solar Plan approved by the European Commission

The European Commission gave, last 16th March, its formal approval to the Mediterranean Solar Plan Project Preparation Initiative (MSP-PPI), in the framework of the Neighbourhood Investment Facility...

Cinema: Tetouan Mediterranean Festival, Italy starring

Intense cultural, artistic and social dialogue between the two sides of the Mediterranean is once again at the centre of the 18th "Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen", which is being held from March...

Widespread International Condemnation of Mali Coup.

There has been widespread international condemnation of Mali's troops, after they ousted President Amadou Toumani Toure. The UN Security...

US likely to resume aid to Egypt

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will Friday open the way to resuming $1.3 billion in annual military aid to Egypt that had been suspended over human rights concerns.“Tomorrow, Secretary Clinton...

Gestational diabetes involves a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is 70% for women who ahave been to gestational diabetes, Professor Mimouni Safia, diabetologist at CHU Mustapha Pasha (Algiers),said on Thursday in Algiers...

"Dar Al Hadith" wins 1st Tlemcen Panorama documentary Film prize

The director Said Oulmi won the first prize of "Panorama Documentary Film Tlemcen"on Wednesday for his work entitled "Dar Al Hadith", reports APS....

2nd Mali Coup declaration Source :

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood May Field Presidential Candidate

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is mulling whether to run its own candidate for president, backtracking on a pledge not to seek the office. Mahmoud...

Mali: Algeria condemns use of force

Algeria condemns use of force in Mali and rejects "strongly" the unconstitutional change, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Amar Belani, in a statement said in a statement on...

Military coup in Mali. Institutions dissolved and curfew.

Malian military took power in Bamako Thursday after several hours of fighting, dissolving institutions and declaring a curfew, they say, they aim to do away with the lack of means to fight against...

Renegade Mali soldiers attack Bamako presidential palace

Troops in Mali have attacked the presidential palace in the capital Bamako hours after staging a mutiny. The renegade troops traded gunfire...

Africa: open for business. The potential, challenges and risks.

Africa is drawing increasing attention, not only from the perspective of businesses based in China and Europe, but also from operators in Africa itself.In particular, closer economic ties between...

U.S. Chamber Leads Delegation of 11 U.S. Companies to Morocco

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Affairs Department will lead its first business mission to Morocco March 20-22, 2012, comprised of eleven companies. The Chamber...

Morocco to add 8,000 MW of power generation by 2020

The robust growth in electricity demand in Morocco has underlined the need for a significant expansion in future generation and transmission capacity in that country, according to ESI Africa....

Turkey and North Africa

Turkey one of the world's newly industrialized countries. It is among the world's leading producers of agricultural products; textiles; motor vehicles, ships and other transportation equipment;...

Tunisia celebrates the 56th Anniversary of Independence.

Tunisia celebrates its independence from 70 years of colonial rule and having achieved freedom from dictatorship last year Tunisia's leaders have warned against the dangers facing the Republic....

Algeria and the EU agree to accelerate the conclusion of two agreements on energy and commerce

Algeria and the European Union (UE) have agreed to accelerate the conclusion of the strategic energy agreement and the agreement on the deferment of tariff dismantling, a Foreign Minister Mourad...

Tunisia - "Airbus' plans to establish a civil aviation park, 1,700 jobs planned

The aircraft manufacturer "Airbus", plans to create, in the coming years, a park of its Tunisian Civil Aviation, announced on Monday in Tunis, the Airbus chief for the Middle East, Habib Fekih, after...

Who Will Write the Egyptian Constitution?

The makeup of the Constituent Assembly, as Egyptians are now calling the body that will draft the country’s new constitution, has been at the center of controversy in recent weeks....