
Agreement between Moroccan and Algerian press agencies

The Algerian press agencies (APS) and Moroccan (MAP) agreed on Tuesday in Algiers to establish cooperation in multimedia and information exchange, APS reports....

New languages democratising social media in the Middle East

On 6 March micro-blogging service Twitter announced the launch of its Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew and Urdu versions. It all started with the grassroots #LetsTweetInArabic campaign by a handful of users...

Will Libya's state-run financial institutions lead its revival?

Those who thought Libya’s new era began with the death of the deposed leader, Muammar Gaddafi in October 2011, will have to wait a little longer. As the UN secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon so aptly put...

Ten dead in tribal clashes in Libya

More than 10 people were killed in clashes on Monday in Libya between Toubou tribesmen and residents of the southern city of Sabha, local officials said to AFP....

Mali coup at the centre of ECOWAS summit in Abidjan

The work of the extraordinary summit of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on the situation in Mali, where the military seized power by force, began on Tuesday in Abidjan....

Tunisia's Ennhada will not enforce Sharia.

The moderate Islamist Ennahda party, which leads Tunisia's government, will not back calls by conservatives to make Islamic law, or sharia, the main source of legislation in a new constitution, a...

'Alarming' surge in executions, says Amnesty

Amnesty International says there was a surge in the number of executions carried out worldwide in 2011, mainly centred in the Middle East. An...

The Path of a great painter

Oxford University Press in New York has released a reference book the "Dictionary of African Biography" which contains an article on Chaibia Tallal (1929-2004), by Osire Glasier, History Department....

Grave threat of Nuclear Terrorism -Summit

The second global summit on nuclear security ended to day in Seoul, attended by almost 60 world leaders including President Obama and UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon and the Director General of...

The British Council and EAC-L’Boulevart : The film concert film « The Adventures of Prince Ahmed » 31 March 2012 Mohamed VI theatre, Casablanca

With a view to promoting artistic creativity and cultural exchange, the British Council invites Arun Ghosh (British clarinet player, composer and pedagogue, of Asian origin) and two British musicians...

Arts Midwest Launches Second Season of Caravanserai Featuring Morocco

Following significant critical acclaim and audience enthusiasm for its debut tours, Caravanserai: A place where cultures meet returns for a second season featuring artists from Morocco....

The Economist: Egypt's Copts

The death of Pope Shenouda highlights the quandaries faced by Coptic Christians. The Economist reflects on the recent death of Coptic Pope...

Uncertainty in Mali after coup

Malian soldiers on Sunday repelled a fresh attack by Tuareg rebels in the north reports AFP. The Tuareg had said they were advancing on the key...

Algeria and Morocco have the "political will" to strengthen their reconciliation (El Khalfi)

Moroccan Minister of Communication and government spokesperson, Mustapha El Khalfi, said on Sunday in Algiers,that Morocco and Algeria have "the political will" to strengthen their reconciliation....

Morocco: Girl’s Death Highlights Flawed Laws

Morocco should enact a meaningful law on domestic violence and repeal the penal code provision that in practice has allowed men accused of raping or having sex with minors to avoid prosecution if...

Mali Junta Courts Civil Society

A majority of political representatives have so far maintained their distance from the leaders of a coup that toppled the government earlier this week, but several religious and political...

Mali coup complicates security in the Sahel

The coup in Mali has brought a chaotic regional situation into focus.Gaddafi's financial support for regional conflicts and regimes earned him many friends in Africa like the Tuareg who fought for...

Egypt to sell land to expats, cut budget deficit

Egypt will launch a scheme on Saturday to reduce its budget deficit by selling plots of land near Cairo to Egyptians living abroad, the housing minister said on Tuesday, with the aim of raising $15...

EU Parliament President urges partnership as lever for growth

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz will pay his first official visit outside of the EU to Rabat, Morocco, where he will also take part in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union...

Tunisia - needs 2 billion dinars to accelerate development projects

Tunisia needs more than two billion dinars to accelerate the achievement of regional development projects, including the protection of cities against floods, the development of electricity grids and...