Mali coup at the centre of ECOWAS summit in Abidjan

Mardi 27 Mars 2012

The work of the extraordinary summit of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on the situation in Mali, where the military seized power by force, began on Tuesday in Abidjan.
Mali coup at the centre of  ECOWAS summit in Abidjan
At the invitation of the Ivorian head of state, Alassane Ouattara, head of ECOWAS in office ( which consists of 15 states), seven West African presidents have traveled to the Ivorian capital.

Two representatives of the military in power in Mali are also in Abidjan, at the invitation of President Ouattara. "They will be heard by the heads of state," said the entourage of Mr. Ouattara. "We have to make important decisions at this Summit, which involves the future of democracy," said the Ivorian president, in his opening speech."Our position must consist of a series of actions to take quickly. This position must also be a signal to Africa and the world that ECOWAS can address its problems and make decisions to reinforce stability, cohesion and unity." Mr Ouattra said.

The Burkinabe President Blaise Compaore wished, before the start of the meeting, that this summit would allow it "to take steps (...) in order to preserve the integrity of Malian territory and the restoration of that country's constitutional order ".

An ECOWAS source said it was likely leaders would agree to suspend Mali from the grouping - a largely symbolic measure intended to highlight the region's rejection of the coup. Other options include so-called targeted sanctions - travel bans or asset freezes - on individual coup leaders.

Presidents from Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Liberia, Niger, and Sierra Leone were also present. Goodluck Jonathan, president of regional military and economic powerhouse Nigeria, was absent, attending a nuclear conference in South Korea.

Military, composed mainly of soldiers from the ranks, overthrew last Thursday with President Amadou Toumani Toure a few weeks before the presidential election of April 29. The international community strongly condemned the coup and called the military to surrender power.

Source :

NAU - Agencies