
Crazy Cupcakes! - 11/06/2012 | Sylvina Neri

Today Cupcakes are crazy ! For you a new recipe of my favourite desert :)

Jewish coffee cake - 10/25/2012 | Sylvina Neri

Today the traditional cake are honored!! Let the Jewish coffee cake or Sour cream, It's a moist coffee cake based sour cream, butter, white sugar, eggs, flour, vanilla extract, chopped walnuts and...

Chocolate cake - 09/17/2012 | Sylvina Neri

Here is a new recipe for chocolate cake !!! it's pretty close to the muffin recipe.

Vanilla cream cupcake - 09/18/2012 | Sylvina Neri

Bienvenue sur votre site WMaker. Laissez-vous guider au fil des quelques articles de présentation des possibilités offertes par votre tout nouveau site internet !

White chocolate pie - 10/23/2012 | Sylvina Neri

For white chocolate fans this recipe is perfect!! to make it simple recipe will delight young and adult.

Raspberry and currant tart - 09/20/2012 | Sylvina Neri

it's almost the end of the raspberries season, what better than a tart raspberry mini version to enjoy the last fruit !!!

About me

Hi guys!!!
welcome to my name is misspastry, I'm a dessert enthusiast and I hope to share this passion...



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