
Algeria is the "natural leader" in the region (U.S. official)

Algeria is the "natural leader" in the region and the United States welcome the" successful" parliamentary elections said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Maghreb to the U.S. Department...

Morocco’s judges demand greater independence

Morocco’s judges donned red armbands on Tuesday in a symbolic week-long protest calling for greater independence for the judiciary. The...

Morocco/W. Sahara: No Action on Police Beating of Rights Worker

The failure of Moroccan authorities to follow through on investigating the beating by police of a Human Rights Watch research assistant is a case study of impunity for police violence....

Tunisia expels Moroccan Salafists convicted of indoctrinating suicide bombers

About 50 Tunisian Salafist Muslims protested Tuesday at Tunis-Carthage airport against the expulsion of two Moroccan theologians banned from entering the country, an AFP reporter said....

Economy: Morocco, slowdown in economic growth, 6-year low

During the first quarter of 2012, economic growth in Morocco saw a net slowdown, sinking, according to the latest figures issued by the High Planning Commission (HCP), to just 2.2 per cent, the...

Spin Cycle: Morocco’s Forgotten Reform Movement

Commentators are quick to cite a “Moroccan exception” to the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, noting the absence of upheaval. But Morocco is certainly not an exception when it comes...

Jailed Morocco Islamists on hunger strike: campaigners

Islamists who say they are being unfairly held in Moroccan prisons are staging hunger strikes to put more pressure on the new government to release them, according to campaigners who are in contact...

Building Libya's New Media "From a Void"

Going from being a country with a highly controlled press to one that has free, independent and functioning media in roughly a year is a tall order....

Maybe not tomorrow, but soon: Casablanca's old core crumbles

When the French seized Casablanca in the early 1900s, they turned the historic Morrocan port into a classic of colonial architecture that would be immortalized in the 1942 namesake film....

Presidential Hopefuls Haunted by their Past

One is a conservative Islamist attempting to reinvent himself as a pragmatic liberal, the other is a secular statesman trying to distance himself from the authoritarian regime he once served. Both...

Tensions in Sahel: Niger in the eye of the storm -Thomas More Institut

Antonin Tisseron, Research Fellow at the Thomas More Institut considers the situation faced by Niger in the light of events in its neighbour Mali....

The solar potential of Algeria in the center of the Asia-Arab forum on sustainable energy

The solar potential of Algeria will be the focus of the second edition of the Asia-Arab on sustainable energy,scheduled to open today at the Mohamed Boudiaf University of Science and Technology of...

IMF Staff Mission in Mauritania

A mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Mr. Amine Mati, visited Nouakchott from April 29 to May 14, 2012 to conduct discussions related to the fourth review of Mauritania’s...

Jobs for the boys

The despair over unemployment that sparked the Arab Spring continues to dog graduates in the region. David Matthews reports from a British Council conference in Morocco that aimed to find solutions...

Egypt's changing regional role.

Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh A leading Islamist candidate in Egypt's presidential election has branded Israel a "racist state" and said a shared 1979 peace treaty was "a national security threat" that...

Morocco: 15 Individuals Arrested Since Dismantling Terrorist Network.

The dismantling, last Saturday, of the terrorist network that was active in several Moroccan cities, under the leadership of an influential member of a terrorist organization called “Mujahideen...

Libyan deadline for Registration of Voters and Candidates Extended

The head of the High National Election Commission, HNEC, Nuri El Abbar, confirmed on Libya's Al-Ahrar TV, that the election commission has decided to extend the deadline for the registration of...

Drowned Libya oil chief feared going home

Spat at in public by a fellow Libyan who called him a thief, watching his back on long walks through Vienna, eating poorly; Muammar Gaddafi's fugitive oil supremo was a troubled man in the months...

Tunisia to Build First Private Oil Refinery

The first private oil refinery in Tunisia is to be built this year. Minister of Industry Mohamed Lamine Chakhari said on Thursday that “the...

EBRD seeks new leader

Facing a possible change at its helm, emerging Europe’s development bank risks stretching itself thinly as mission creep into North Africa eats up resources while the bank’s core charges feel the...