Zbigniew Brzezinski . A very Ayssemetric World

Vendredi 3 Février 2012

In an interview with Le Monde in 2011, Zbigniew Brzezinski former National Security Adviser under President Jimmy Carter, predicted that the Nato attack against Libya would be a political failure if Gaddafi was eliminated without Libyans being free to decide their democratic future.
Zbigniew Brzezinski . A very Ayssemetric World
At the time of the interview Gaddafi was still in power. The problems now are a lack of any system to promote democracy and continuing uncontrolled violence between militias who continue to refuse to give up their weapons.

In the case of Egypt , he advised caution in removing Mubarak. He said that his going could be beneficial for democracy provided that proper systems for promoting democracy were put in place. Despite elections having taken place violence continues and there is a widespread apprehension that the army council may not cede power in June. As with Libyan, Egypt and before them Iraq and Afghanistan the  American and western invasions has not been followed by effective measures to promote democracy.

Obama articulated a vision in his Cairo speech but the reality is that this has not brought democracy. Brezinski says America has influence but cannot decisively affect  the situation. Too often the US has in the protestors’ eyes been far too close to dictatorial regimes and has been tainted by association.Arab rulers in the Gulf  have not forgiven Obama for the abject demise of Mubarak. The demise of a dictator has to be accompanied by a process to support democracy and the US has been less effective in this respect.

He comments “that's why we need to ask the strategic question as to what end we want and how we position ourselves to increase the chance of coming true. This implies the establishment of a political process that allows the emergence of democracy and its consolidation.”

This however is what America has consistently failed to do and now it has lost credibility in the Arab world and is far weaker than before.  Moreover, a democratic Middle East will be less sympathetic to America. The US he says must decide what it wants to be and he is horrified by the complaisant  ignorance of many Americans about international and local realities.

 He says that America can still project itself in the world with the values of the Declaration of Independence with values like equality dignity and the entrepreneurial spirit.The combination of idealism and materialism is something very powerful, and that works,.He remains confident that America can successfully project itself in the new world working with China and Brazil. He is less sure of India.  America understands democracy but it needs to be able to compromise and allow other nations to attain their democratic goals.

 America’s failure to support Afghanistan post  the  Soviet retreat was a catastrophic error resulting in Al Qaeda and 9/11 and resulted in many of the challenges we face today and we are still paying for this.


Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/Zbigniew-Brzezi...