Tourist Arrivals in Morocco Up 12% at the end of April (Tourism Observatory)

Jeudi 21 Juin 2018

Rabat - A total of 3.4 million tourists visited Morocco between January and April 2018, up 12% compared to the same period a year earlier, according to the Tourism Observatory.

The number of foreign tourists increased by 19%, while the arrivals of Moroccans living abroad grew by 1%, said the Observatory in its statistics on Moroccan tourism for the month of April 2018.

This increase concerned the main tourist markets, in particular Italy (18%), Germany (+14%), France (11%), the United Kingdom and Holland (10% each), the Observatory noted.

Total overnight stays in classified tourist accommodation establishments increased by 10% during the first 4 months of 2018 (+13% for non-resident tourists and +4% for residents).

The two tourist destinations Marrakech and Agadir alone generated 61% of total overnight stays at the end of April, according to the Observatory.

Other cities also posted good performances, notably Fez, Tangier and Rabat with increases of 25%, 12% and 13%, respectively.

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