The UK wants to strengthen its cooperation with Algeria in Gas and Renewable Energy

Jeudi 19 Avril 2012

The UK wishes to strengthen future cooperation with Algeria in particulary in the gas and renewable energy sectors, the British Ambassador in Algiers, Mr. Martyn Roper said on Wednesday .
The UK wants to strengthen its cooperation with Algeria in Gas and Renewable Energy
"There is great interest in the UK in importing more gas from Algeria in the years ahead" especially with the onset of the decline of deposits in the North Sea, Mr. Roper on the sidelines a meeting of the Algeria British Business Council(ABBC),calling Algeria a "stable country".

"We will organize a mission on renewable energy, starting with a pilot project between Algeria and Britain in this sector," he added.

The British diplomat, who noted the intense exchange of visits between leaders of two countries, stressed that bilateral relations "are excellent and very strong," recalling their willingness to expand their trade.
Both sides expressed their "desire to focus their partnership on ways to increase their trade" estimated at more than $ 3 billion, he said.

As such, Mr. Roper has announced  that in London before the end of the year, an Algerian-British conference aimed at promoting investment and economic exchanges between Algeria and Britain.
This large business meeting will bring together several Algerian and British traders and representatives of governments of both countries he said, adding that two British missions on renewable energy and oil would soon be traveling to Algeria.

The UK wants to strengthen its cooperation with Algeria in Gas and Renewable Energy
Lady Olga Maitland president of the ABBC, said the business climate in Algeria is "favorable", stressing that British companies could share their experiences with the Algerian operators in agriculture, especially in regards to milk production.

She noted also that several UK companies are willing to invest in Algeria in a dozen economic sectors, including health, technology, finance and in management training and  English language education. Lady. Maitland said, secondly, that many business meetings are being  scheduled in Algeria and Britain, including one to mark the 50th anniversary of Independence of  Algeria, to identify new opportunities Business and investment offered by the Algerian market.The objective of the ABBC is "to give new impetus to bilateral relations by developing the contacts between the businessmen of both countries, and ensuring that Britain has a new perception of Algeria."

With trade of nearly $ 3.4 billion in 2011, Britain was ranked  as the ninth customer of Algeria (13th in 2010), with nearly $ 2.4 billion, and its 13th largest with nearly a billion dollars, according to Algerian Customs figures.

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