Sonatrach invested $ 12 billion in 2011

Mardi 7 Février 2012

Sonatrach Group invested 12 billion dollars in 2011 to develop its activities in oil and gas, Mr. Abdelhamid Zerguine CEO of the Sonatrach Group said on Tuesday.
Sonatrach  invested $ 12 billion in 2011
Sonatrach Group has also produced 206 million TOE (tons oil equivalent) of oil in 2011,including 148 million TOE produced by Sonatrach alone,according to preliminary figures put forward by Mr. Zerguine during a press conference APS reports.

The group exports reached nearly $ 72 billion in 201,against $ 57 billion in 2010,an increase of 26%, aid the group's CEO, who has reported 3.697 billion dinars paid to the Treasury as oil taxes, up 27% compared to 2010.

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