Said Sadi officially resigns as President of the RCD

Vendredi 9 Mars 2012

Over twenty years after taking the controls of the Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD), Dr Said Sadi officially resigned from the presidency of the party on Friday.
Said Sadi officially resigns as President  of the RCD
Said Sadi, RCD Secretary-General announced on Friday during his opening speech of the fourth party congress, his official withdrawal from the party presidency and said he will not seek another term as president. "With a serene conscience and complete confidence in the future, I am announcing my decision not to stand again as President of the RCD," he told delegates, El Watan reports.

 This decision was not without offending party cadres some of whom greeted with tears. But, Said Sadi now prefers to leave his place to other party cadres, especially young people. "I truly believe that now it is necessary that the young party cadres, who are already most of the direction, assume their full responsibilities in the new stage facing the country," said he.

 Dr. Said Sadi, who was one of the founders of the party in 1989, but he will remain a party activist. "Of course I'll stay activist because I believe that one has no right to demand freedom and justice and exonerate themselves from personal involvement in the struggles that lead to democracy", he promised.

Born August 24, 1947 at Aghribs in Kabylie he played a leading role in the "Printemps Berbere". A  doctor and psychriatic specialist by profession. He was a founding member of the Algerian League for Human Rights.Having left the FFS in 1982 he founded the RDC and became its secretary general in 1989.

Source :

NAU - Agencies