Restoration Plan for 700 old Ksours at In - Salah

Lundi 19 Mars 2012

Nearly 700 old buildings of of El-Arab and Merabtine ksours at In-Salah (750 km north of Tamanrasset), will be restored, it was learned from industry leaders in urban planning and construction (UCR) of the wilaya.
Restoration Plan  for 700 old Ksours at In - Salah
Included as part of efforts to support this type of construction and promotion  of old ksours,  wihich are still inhabited is currently under review and will allow the development of rehabilitation plans, depending on the lifestyle of the occupants of these spaces, officials said the UCR at a meeting held in in-Salah to review the technical studies related to restoration and rehabilitation, APS reports.

 Speaking at the meeting which was attended by representatives of the local population, the wali of Tamanrasset insisted on consultation with residents of ksours to complete this mission.

 The representatives of consulting firms, for their part, emphasized respecting the social way of life in these ksours,  with specific urban  compliance and the use of easy and affordable  means in the rehabilitation process.

 This meeting has been harnessed by the representatives of ksours to make suggestions on the development, among other factors and access in the case of emergency and recreational spaces for children.

 The head of the Office of Property Management and Promotion (OPGI) of Tamanrasset wilaya reported on this occasion on a program for 1,000 social rented housing units <hich is  being studied to meet the demand of the population of the Daira of In-Salah.

Source :

NAU - Agencies