Qatar attends meeting of Global Coalition against ISIS group

Jeudi 28 Juin 2018

DOHA: Qatar participated in a meeting of political officials of the Global Coalition against ISIS group to discuss the threat posed by the group in the African continent, especially in Libya, West Africa, Sahel states and the Horn of Africa. The meeting is hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco.

The State of Qatar attended the meeting along with the representatives of nearly 50 countries as well as a number of regional and international organizations, QNA reported.

During the meeting, Qatar was represented by Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Combating Terrorism and Mediation in Conflict Resolution, Dr Mutlaq bin Majed Al Qahtani.

The meeting focused in particular on the presence of the ISIS group in Africa and the next steps to be taken by the international coalition to ensure a permanent defeat of the organization in all its areas of presence.

It also discussed ways to speed up the collective efforts of the coalition countries, identify priorities for international efforts to maintain and support stability in Syria and Iraq, restore essential public services to liberated areas, combat the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters as well as means of financing terrorism and counter-messages, and deepen consultations on the development of the terrorist threat in Africa.

It examined additional ways to coordinate and support the efforts of African states in this area.

The Global Coalition against ISIS group was formed in September 2014 and has 75 member states. Its members are committed to degrading and ultimately defeating ISIS group as well as destroying its terrorist and financing networks.

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