No Abatement of US-Egypt Tensions as Trial Date is Set

Dimanche 19 Février 2012

Growing tension between the United States and Egypt is showing no signs of abating amid threats and counter-threats. On Saturday, the trial date of February 26 was announced.
No Abatement of US-Egypt Tensions as Trial Date is Set
The American NGO members stand accused of criminal charges stemming from their work with pro-democracy organizations even though President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton amongst others have warned that continuing in that direction could cost Egypt almost $2 billion in US aid, the Medialine reports .

Egyptian officials have hit back with threats to re-opennegotiations on the historic 1979 treaty with Israel, a move that the US has warned could have serious consequences. The Egyptian government continues to prevent the accused Americans from leaving the country pending the trials, charging that American money has been funding organisations that aim to undermine the Egyptian government. A congressional delegation headed by  Repbulican Senator John McCain arrives in Cairo on Monday to try to defuse the tension.

Commentators have speculated that the Supreme Egyptian military council ( SCAF) would be less likely to give way now that the Muslim Brotherhood and its islamic partners are controlling parliament and negotiating with SCAF.  

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