Morocco's Green Plan - Opportunities for Wealth Creation and Jobs.

Vendredi 30 Mars 2012

The Green Plan seeks to develop Morocco's Agricultural production through a strategic land reform process tackling the difficult question of small farms which have traditionally been divided amongst family members and are not large enough to be commercially viable.
Morocco's Green Plan - Opportunities for Wealth Creation and Jobs.
The strategy of Morocco's Green Plan  has been developed for an agricultural sector that contributes 19% to national GDP,  15% in agriculture and 4% in  agribusiness. The sector employs over 4 million rural workers and creates about a hundred  thousand jobs in the field of agribusiness according to teh Agricultural Development Agency (ADA ).It also seeks to end  Moroccan agriculture's dependence on climatic conditions and inadequate rain fall.

Agriculture plays a key role in macroeconomic balances of the country. It supports  the income of 80% of the 14 million rural people who work in the agricultural sector which has suffered from low investment,low productivity,  and a subsidy system which amounts to 80% as against 30 to 70% in other countries.

Agro industry up until recently produced only 24% of the production of national industrial units and was not achieving its full potentail. Moroccan agriculture is  affected by climatic variations and the crop yield for this year was affected by inadequate rain fall and unusually cold weather. There are toomany small farms, 70% of the farms are under 5 acres and the legal framework relating to land is excessively complicated.The crops planted need to be rationalised and diversified.At the moment there is an imbalance and cereals constitute 75% of agricultural land in use and contributes only 10% to 15% in agricultural sales and employs only 5% to 10% of workers in the agricultural sector.

The Green Plan has been devised to remedy these constraints on the growth of Moroccanagriculture and to provide the necessary investment so that the sector achieves its full potential. It aims to make agriculture the main driver of growth on 10 to 15 years and to adopt rationalisation of land use because small farmers, who constitute the majority of farming units,lack the financial resources to modernise their production systems.

The agro industy companies who are only rarely directly involved in the farming process, suffer from irregular supply of products both in termas of quantity and quality.The Green Plan envisages them being brought together in partnership to work together in larger farm units under a skilled overall farm manager  will be able to supervise new farming and production techniques. The challenge is to ensure the development of Moroccan agriculture as a whole without excluding any farmers or workers. The state will provide investment support through the  Agricultural Development Fund (ADF), with specific support for larger farming units.
Strategy Pillar I  aims to realise 961 projects aggregating 562,000 farmers with an overall investment of 75 billion dirhams and the The second, Strategy Pillar II  will take account of the integral development of  agriculture and
the experiences of several countries and the MCC project funded by the USA.
The goal is to increase the production of plant and animal industries in disadvantaged areas to improve the agricultural income. The Pillar II projects are economically viable agricultural projects based primarily on direct intervention of the state at marginal areas (unfavorable irrigated zones, mountain or oasis) and, taking into consideration the preservation of natural resources.
The promotion plan and private investment addresses the need to promote private investment, with public aid.For projects Pillar II, 70 to 80% will be borne by the Moroccan and foreign investors, the rest will be largely supported by the Agricultural Development Fund (ADF).
For Pillar I projects, and to encourage private investment, the statunder the Agricultural Development Fund (ADF),
 will grant financial assistance through grants and incentives.The aim is to attract a target of an annual investment of  10 billion dirhams.
The Green Plan emphasises the need for contractual approach to achieve its aimsand the Plan's implemenation requires the mobilisation of all actors in different sectors, including   government, regional and local elected officials, professionals and associations.
Sustaining the developmentof Moroccan agriculture to achieve its objectives will involve the preservation of natural resources to ensure sustainable agriculture and through the integration of the climate change dimension into the Green Morocco Plan  which will involve the conversion of nearly one million hectares of cereals to fruit plantations that are likely to protect farmland and experimenting with semi direct methods to achieve a much wider use. The Plan will support the use of irrigation systems to save water (from 154,000 currently to 692,000 ha). and the development of renewable  energy use in agriculture (solar, wind and biogas).
The final element of the Green Morocco Plan is preparing the revision of  the agriculture sectoral framework which involves new financing schemes.The new land policy will be characterized by the development of privately managed public lands and the establishment of a framework of conditions favoring the development of large farming units and public private partnership.Continued efforts will be exerted on  structural reforms such as land registration  and a massive acceleration of securitisation.It will also involve effective management and preservation of water resources and the establishment of an appropriate fiscal policy taking account of regional economic and agricultural sector in 2013.The Agency for Agricultural Development (ADA) and the National Office for Food Safety (ONSSA), will take on the role  attracting high-potential to the sector and achieving its renewal and progression.


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