Meeting of the Sahel countries in Nouakchott for a review of security cooperation

Lundi 23 Janvier 2012

The meeting bringing together the foreign ministers of the Sahel countries (Algeria, Mali, Mauritania and Niger) scheduled for Monday at Nouakchott will be used to review the plans to secure cooperation and development during the last six months.
Meeting of  the Sahel countries in Nouakchott for a review of security cooperation
Expanded to include Nigeria, the conference in Nouakchott also aim to assess the degree of the terrorist threat and, therefore, to estimate the concrete collective actions to provide cross-border cooperation to deal with this phenomenon.

The involvement of Nigeria in these consultations is, it was said, to enable countries to establish field coordination to better fight against the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and the Boko Haram organization in Nigeria.

The planned two-day meeting in Nouakchott is part of the biannual series of meetings planned by the foreign ministers of the  Sahel countries. It follows the meetings in Algiers (March 2010) and Bamako (Mali), in May 2011.

A statement on the terrorist threat will be presented at this occasion by the unit for fusion and liaison (UFL),the mechanism that brings together the heads of the intelligence services of other countries and by the Committee for Staff Joint Operations (CRIC ) on military coordination in the field.

The meeting in Nouakchott is also an opportunity to launch a debate around the Conference "Alger 2" which is scheduled for the first quarter 2012 in Bamako. This meeting aims in particular to establish a continuity strategy designed with Americans and Europeans, country partners of the Sahel.

The visits to Washington and Brussels will also be discussed and evaluated by the four foreign ministers of the Sahel, who  will think about structuring this cooperative mechanism.The evaluation of the consequences of the  Libyan crisis  in the region and the regional strategy forsecurity and development, are also on the agenda of the meeting in Nouakchott.

It should be noted, in this sense, a dialogue between the Sahelian countries, including countries related to the field became permanent, both bilaterally and regionally, since the Algiers conference (7 and 8 September 2011).

Thus, a set of guiding principles that shape and organize the partnership in development and security between the countries of the region and their partners, including the appropriation and the indivisibility of security and development, have become visible through the joint work.

The Algiers conference also made it possible to educate partners to become more involved in the development efforts of  the Sahel region, especially in the financing of certain projects.

Following the Algiers conference, plurilateral discussions were attended by the countries of the region and U.S. officials representing various departments of the U.S. Administration in Washington on November 7 and 8 in the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime and the eradication of poverty.

These discussions were an opportunity to deepen the political dialogue between Washington and the countries of the region and to begin discussions on niche targeted partnerships.

Another meeting also grouped the four countries with senior EU officials in Brussels and identified a set of principles structuring the partnership in the development and security among countries in the region and their partners. Noting that  terrorist groups finance much of their activities through ransom money and the revenues generated by trafficking of all kinds, especially drugs, and given the inadequacy of the struggle, the core countries must be mobilized to work together,so that they are able to cope with this situation.

Because they are convinced that the partnership is the only way to fight against terrorism and the countries of the subregion have created in April 2010 a committee of Staff Joint Operations (CRIC) based in Tamanrasset, supported by a central intelligence in Algiers, with the aim to better coordinate military actions in the fight against terrorism.

Also  because they believe that development can not be done without peace and stability, the countries have adopted a strategy that requires the support of extra-regional partners, such as the United States and the European Union whose role is limited to  technical assistance and logistical support, training and capacity building for countries in the region.

It should be noted that countries in the region are unanimous in refusing any military interference in the area.

This is based on the conviction that security in the countries of the Sahel is a matter which concerns only countries in the subregion.

The last months have been marked by "intense activity of all the mechanisms in place" for the fight against terrorism and for the development of the region, particularly at the political level.

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