Marzouki's statements raise reservations in Algiers

Vendredi 10 Février 2012

The declarations by Presidentf Marzouki on reviving the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) concerning a possible mediation between Algeria and Morocco seem to have attracted some gnashing of teeth in Algiers and many reservations, according to the Algerian press.
Marzouki's statements raise reservations in Algiers
A recurring question of mediation between Algeria, on the one hand, and Morocco and Libya, on the other hand, is a pure figment of the imagination, since all channels are open with the two brotherly countries.The Moroccan Minister of Foreign recently stayed in our country and Libyan delegations are currently hard at work in Algeria as part of security cooperation and a prelude to the impending visits of members of the Libyan government in Algeria, " said Amar Belani, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, reported by the press.

Tunisian President Marzouki pleaded on Wednesday night in Rabat, for a  Maghreb summit "this year" to "restore the Arab Maghreb Union  so that it is on track." "We want a North African summit held earlier this year (...) If we can implement it this year, the Arab Maghreb Union is already under way," he has said during a meeting with members of the Tunisian community in Morocco, according to MAP.

Thus, an attempt at mediation in Tunisia would not be welcome in Algiers which ensures that the border issue is purely bilateral. "The question of reopening the border with Morocco is a sovereign issue and   we need to integrate it at one point or another, in the continuation of positive dynamics initiated in recent months, with the neighboring country for a clean up and  to build a soothing  bilateral relationship which is healthy and productive based on mutual trust and a sincere spirit of cooperation, "said Amar Belani.

Regardingthe AMU , Amar Belani said that "the reactivation of the AMU was carried by the Algerian diplomacy and has been since May 2011. This issue was, however, the focus of discussions that  Minister Medelci had with his Moroccan counterpart in Rabat in November on the sidelines of the forum of Arab-Turkish cooperation. " "The two sides then agreed to strengthen their relations, leaving the problem of Western Sahara to the UN for a settlement under international law and decided it was urgent to convene the Council of Ministers of the Arab Maghreb Union to perform, amongst other things, an assessment of the situation in the region and  to identify prospects for cooperation and integration Maghreb, ",he said,as reported by the press.

President Marzouki is expected next week in Algiers for a two-day official visit. Algeria is the last leg of the Tunisian President's North African tour. He is currently in Morocco.

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