Man who committed bigamous third 'marriage' given six-month jail sentence

Mardi 31 Juillet 2018

A FATHER who committed a bigamous third marriage after a whirlwind romance has been jailed.

Preston Crown Court heard how Haroon Lorgat first met Nadia Benjelloun in 2001 in Madrid and took an interest in her.

The 53-year-old met her again in Paris and spent further time with Miss Benjelloun in Morocco.

The court heard how the couple began texting each other and spoke on the phone before Lorgat travelled to Morocco.

Paul Cummings, prosecuting, said this was the point where the relationship began to grow more romantic.

The court heard Lorgat then met Miss Benjelloun's parents, who questioned him on his background.

Mr Cummings said: "He provided confirmation about his identity and marital status.

"He produced a document from the Lancashire Council of Mosques in December 2001 that included that he was not married and he had not been married. However this was untrue."

The court heard how the document was fraudulent and Lorgat had still been married to his second wife when he wedded Miss Benjelloun in Casablanca, Morocco.

This was followed by a civil ceremony in Accrington on March 30, 2002.

Mr Cummings said: "The first marriage ended by divorce, but the second one was still in existence.

"Some steps had been taken to divorce his second wife but it had not been formalised.

"He remained married to his second wife until the degree of absolute came into effect in February 2004."

The court heard Miss Benjelloun did not know Lorgat was married for 10 years and only discovered what had happened when she wanted to divorce him in 2012.

The court heard Lorgat had produced documents from his first divorce to convince the registrar he was divorced from his second wife.

Reading from Miss Benjelloun's victim personal statement, Mr Cummings said she had felt betrayed and the events had made her suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.

The court heard the couple had raised two children during their relationship.

Neil Howard, defending, said his client was a gentleman that had a great deal to lose.

He said: "He will let a lot of people down if he gets a custodial sentence. He accepts misleading the complainant.

"He is in upstanding member of the community which is supported by his charity work."

Lorgat, of Harwood Gate, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to bigamy and was sentenced to six months in prison.

Judge Simon Medland QC said: "It is a simple point. If she knew the truth she would have never married you in the first place."

Speaking after the sentence, Miss Benjelloun said: "I am a bit disappointed at the length of the sentence.

"I feel like this does not deter other men from performing bigamy.

"This is the 21st century, the role of marriage should be respected, this shows me people don't respect it.

"This whole ordeal has impacted on me, and my children, in a negative way.

"I will have to now turn a page and move on with my life with my children and try to put this all behind me."

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