Lila Borsali records her first Nuba in Rasd Eddil mode

Vendredi 27 Avril 2012

After a first album intitled "Frak Lehbab" (Far from loved ones), devoted entirely to Hawzi, a derivative of the Andalusian music which is specific to the region of Tlemcen. Lila Borsali performs in Nuba by recording her album in the Rasd Eddil mode.
Lila Borsali records her first Nuba in Rasd Eddil mode
The young Hawzi signer is also a specialist of Hawfi music, a  song performed by women in the region of  Tlemcen run under the rules of Gharnati ( the School of Tlemcen), begining the Nuba by playng two instrumental preludes, a M’chalia then a Touchia.

After the two musical introductions, the remarkable clear vibrato voice of Lila Borsali leaps, accompanied by lute, kwitra,violon and rebab, she harmoniously mixes sounds, to sing a Mçadar "Qad Gharred El Yamam" (songs of doves), a song to love and passion.

With a correct interpretation, the singer continues with a Btaïhi "Malakni El Hawa", a Derdj "Ya men sayden sada" then an Inciraf "Abket Fi Erayed ", before launching an Istikhbar in mode moual, "Lama Tarakoum Ayni," where the voice of the artist who has matured a lot, comes into perfect communion with the instruments.

After three Inciraf, more rhythmic musical movement, the artist completes the Nuba by two Khlass "Niranou Kalbi" and "Djoul Djoul Tara" in a cheerful atmosphere.

After the school of Andalusian music at Tlemcen, Lila Borsali began  performing this music over an eleven year period.She then attended one of the most prestigious associations in Tlemcen, and then moved to Paris where she has been performinng this music for 16 years with the association "Airs Andalusians" she was a founding member. In 2009 she returned to Algiers,where she joined the association "Les Beaux Arts" and then launched into a solo career, with the release of her debut album Hawzi "Frak Lahbab" (Soli Music).

Besides participating in the concerts given by the association,She was requested by the Regional Enesemble of Tlemcen to participate in major cultural events, such as the Festival of Andaloussiates Belabess, The Festival of North African Andalusian music of Kolea, and also the International Festival of the Andalusian music and earlier music. She also performs at the Algerian Cultural Centre in Paris, with its own orchestra, and for the first time in Algiers in September 2011 for a concert event at the Basilica of Our Lady of Africa.

Her second album "Nuba Rasd DHIL" has just been published.

Source :

NAU - Agencies