Libya's NTC considers formation of a new cabinet

Samedi 28 Avril 2012

Members of Libya's interim ruling council are trying to work out the makeup of a new government after deciding to remove the country's Cabinet just five months after it took office, members said Friday to AP.
 Libya's NTC considers formation of a new cabinet
The situation remainde confused with The council's spokesman, Mohammed al-Hareizi, denied that the NTC had sacked the government, while other  members said the decision has been made but it is pending an agreement on replacing the Cabinet.

Members of the NTC present at the meeting told AP on thursday that a majority had  voted to remove the government.. However NTC spokesman al-Hareizi described the report as "baseless" in a brief statement carried on  the official news agency LANA.

 Abdurrahim el-Keib had walked out of a meeting with NTC leaders and was according, according to  AP , angry with  the NTC accusing it of interfering with the work of the government including trying to forestall elections  in June

.Both sides have blamed each other for a failure to control the militias in the country , Mr el-Keib also said that it took time to create a new democracy. The NTC is now considering a successor to take over from  Abdurrahim el-Keib.

In a furthersign of the difficulties facing central government in Libya it emerged in a report by Reuters that Saif ul -Islam who is awaiting trial, is still being held by the Zintan Brigade in Zintan who are refusing to give him up. Despite the building of a new courthouse to try Saif ul-islam in Tripoli and the building of a case against him by Libyan prosecutors they are no nearer bringing him to trial. If the ICC deside that Libya is unable to bring him to trial they could request the UN to apply sanctions against Tripoli to persuade them to hand over Saif ul-Islam to the ICC. There are real doubts that Libya's justice systepm is up to the task.

On Friday, three explosions outside a courthouse in the eastern city of Benghazi wounded three people and caused some damage to the building and its surrounding structures, according to LANA.

Source :

NAU - Agencies