Libya: death of detainees and the practice "widespread" torture (Amnesty)

Jeudi 26 Janvier 2012

Several combatants or suspected supporters of the former Libyan regime were tortured to death in their place of detention, Amnesty International deplored reports of the "widespread" practice of torture.
Libya: death of detainees and the  practice
Many have died held in the custody of Armed militias  in and around Tripoli and Misrata in circumstances which suggests ¨ rent torture," the Human Rights organisation said  in a press  conference.

The aid organization Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF) announced on Thursday the suspension of its activities in detention centers in Misrata, 215 km east of Tripoli because of "torture of detainees and the impossibility of  providing emergency care."

Amnesty International claims to have met detainees held in Tripoli, Misrata and Gharyan, "who showed visible marks of torture inflicted in  the course of recent days and weeks."

 "They had such wounds to the head members, back and other parts of the body."

 Amnesty said "torture is carried out by the officially recognized  military and security organizations as well as several armed militias  who are  outside any legal framework."

The authorities had promised to put the centers under their  control, "but it is horrifying to see that there is no progress in stopping the recourse to torture," Amnesty commented on Thursday, Reuters reported.

Source :

Nau - Reuters