HM the King: Fighting Corruption, a Scourge that Hinders Economic and Social Advancement, Should be Made a Priority

Lundi 2 Juillet 2018

Nouakchott – The fight against corruption should be made a priority, as it is the biggest obstacle to economic and social advancement and to the development of young people, stressed HM king Mohammed VI, adding that this fight requires sincere political commitment, a sustained public action and a strong civic engagement.

In a message addressed to the 31st Summit of the African Union (AU), which is being held Sunday and Monday in the Mauritanian capital under the theme "Winning the Fight against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa's Transformation," the Sovereign noted that "it is a universal phenomenon. It exists in the countries of the South as well as in those of the North and it may well have an adverse impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals agreed by the international community.”

The fight against this scourge requires the coordination of experiences and the pooling of expertise, building on a common vision shared by all stakeholders, HM the king added, noting that “under no circumstances should this drive become a new form of dominance and pressure” and that “the well-being of our peoples hinges on prevention and on fostering a sense of responsibility in all actors in our societies.”

Referring to the Kingdom's action in the fight against corruption, the Sovereign noted that “Morocco has realized the devastating effects of corruption and has decided to spare no effort to overcome this scourge.”

“After ratifying the United Nations Convention against Corruption in 2007,

the Kingdom of Morocco developed its institutional and legal arsenal, thus aligning its legislation with international standards,” HM the king recalled, adding that “to streamline and channel efforts properly, in 2015 the Kingdom of Morocco adopted a National Strategy against Corruption and set up the National Anti-Corruption Commission, which is tasked with implementing the strategy.”

Spanning a 10-year period, the strategy aims to reverse the trend in a palpable, irreversible way by 2025, bolster citizens' trust, promote integrity, improve the business environment and enhance the Kingdom’s international standing, according to the Sovereign.

“Having become a constitutional body, the National Authority for probity and the prevention and combat of corruption has recently seen its powers extended and its mission as a watchdog enhanced,” underlined HM the king, adding that in accordance with the new legislation, it will strengthen the multidimensional action carried out concomitantly in this field by the government, the judiciary and the said authority.

On this occasion, the Sovereign said that “corruption is not just a moral or ethical issue. It has an economic cost as well. It puts a strain on the purchasing power of citizens, especially the poorest segments of society. In some sectors of activity, it represents 10% of the cost of production.”

“Corruption perverts the tenets of democracy and undermines the rule of law.

It affects the quality of life and promotes organized crime, insecurity and terrorism,” said HM the king, pointing out that “in the relentless fight against corruption, some African countries - and their number is quite significant - are outperforming others, including some among the most developed nations. These are models which incite us to take the same path.”

The institutional reforms undertaken within the African Union will also contribute to the emergence of an anti-corruption culture, said the Sovereign, expressing his conviction that President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, designated "Africa Anti-Corruption Champion" at the 30th AU Summit, will leave his mark on the upcoming phase.

“I know how determined he is and also how capable he is of convincing and uniting people in order to create the necessary momentum to root out corrupt practices at all levels,” said HM the king.

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