Egyptian Presidential elections: a changing scenario.

Dimanche 29 Avril 2012

The Salafist Al Nour party has selected Abdel-Moneim Aboul Fotouh as its candidate. A former member of the Muslim Brotherhood he was expelled last year because he decided to run in the presidential elections.
Egyptian Presidential elections: a changing scenario.
As a former head of the Mulsim Brotherhood youth movement he is well known and respected by many salafist groups. Al Nour has 20 per cent of the seats in the Egyptian parliament.

The decision was announced by officials of the preaching group the Salafi Call and on the Web site of its allied party, Al Nour. The basis for the decison to support Mr Abol Fotouh appears to be a concern that the Muslim Brotherhood was mixing religion and politics to a dangerous extent according to an article in the New York Times.

Mr. Aboul Fotouh said of the Brotherhood in the El Rahma interview. “The overlap between what’s partisan politics and what’s missionary is disastrous for the religious mission and a disaster for the party as well,”Mr. Aboul Fotouh said of the Brotherhood in the El Rahma interview.  “They will see in the future the result of this threat, which is a threat to the homeland and to religion.”

The Salafists believe that relgion should not control politics and they are looking for a more pragmatic approach which can  deal with Egypt's pressing economic problems rather than trying to enforce islamic codes of practice which they believe will fall into place naturally.

There is a fear that the Muslim Brotherhood already has too much power. Mr Aboul Fotouh also has strong support from liberals and secularists.Another reason for the selection of Mr Aboul Fotouh is that he has the charisma and ability to win the presidential election which Mr Morsi,the Muslim Brotherhood candidate lacks.His election may mark a significant turn in public opinion with a growing weariness with demonstrations.

Hundreds of supporters of hardline Islamist candidate Hazem Abu Ismail who was disqualified by the election commission protested outside the defence ministry with scores being injured, some say by local residents angry with the protests other reports suggesting that the attackers may have been plain cloths police agents.

In another development Mohamed ElBaradei has launched a new political party in Egypt. It is called the Consitution Party and aims to unite Egyptians behind democracy, and to take power in four years time as it is too late for it to take part in the current elections.

Amr Moussa remains the leading secular candidate in the presidential elections along with Ahmed Shafiq.


Source :

NAU - Agencies