Egyptian Election nominations disputed as deadline closes.

Dimanche 8 Avril 2012

The situation in Egypt grew more confused as the Gamaa Islamiya put forward Safwat Hegazy as a candidate. Hegazy's name was put forward one day before the deadline for submitting applications to run for president. The islamist group fear the possible exclusion Hazem Abu Ismail.
Egyptian Election nominations disputed as deadline closes.
This follows the declaration by the Muslim Brotherhood that Khairat el-Shater its chief financer and strategist would run  for President despite a promise that they would not field a candidate. Hegazy was recently banned from entering France .

The Muslim Brotherhood which has a majority of the seats in Parliament through the Freedom and Justice Party has had a confrontation with the Supreme Army Council (SCAF) over its call for the Ganzouri cabinet to stand down which SCAF condemned.

 Omar Suleiman, the former intelligence chief under Mubarak, said on Friday that he had also decided to run in the election, two days after he ruled himself out of the race.His change of mind came after a group of demonstrators gathered to urge Suleiman to run, said a statement attributed to him.

Amr Moussa former Arab League President and foreign minister is also running for President.Nominations for the presidential elections are due to close this weekend.Ayman Nour of Hizb al-Ghad  has been disqualified.

Source :

NAU - Agencies