Egypt: Brotherhood announces presidential candidate

Samedi 31 Mars 2012

Muslim Brotherhood to field Khairat al-Shater as candidate in May's presidential vote, reversing earlier policy.
Egypt: Brotherhood announces presidential candidate
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has nominated its deputy chairman, Khairat al-Shatir, as its candidate for the presidential elections in May.

If he were to win the presidential elections would give the formerly outlawed movement Islamic principles should regulate all aspects of public and family life a strong grip on both the country's legislative and executive branches
which secularists oppose.It may also escalate the Muslim Brotherhood's confrontation with the
Supreme Military Council (SCAF).The Brotherhood issued a call for the Ganzouri cabinet which
was appointed by SCAF to stand down, a suggestion which was angrily rejected by SCAF.

The political situation in Egypt is becoming increasingly polarised with Al Azhar University and secular parties resigning from the commission drafting the new constitution.

Source :

NAU - Agencies