Ecowas in Abidjan examines solutions to the crises in Mali and Guinea-Bissau

Jeudi 26 Avril 2012

An extraordinary summit of heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), opened Thursday in Abidjan to try to defuse the political crisis through which the Guinea Bissau and Mali since the coups in both countries.
Ecowas in Abidjan examines solutions to the crises in Mali and Guinea-Bissau
The presidents of Mali Dioncounda Traore, Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaore (mediator in the crisis in Mali) and Senegal Macky Sall, and other heads of state are taking part in this summit chaired by their Ivorian counterpart, Alassane Ouattara, President of ECOWAS . Algeria, invited as an observer country, is represented by the Minister in charge of Maghreb and African Affairs, Abdelkader Messahel.

During this meeting, the leaders of ECOWAS will focus their discussions on how to restore constitutional order violated in Mali and Guinea-Bissau, after the seizure of power by military mutineers in both countries.

Ouattara has the opportunity to give guidance to officers of the joint force of ECOWAS ready to begin its mission in Guinea Bissau. It is expected that this force, consisting of 638 soldiers will be deployed in the coming days in Guinea Bissau where it will replace the African units and ensure the security of state institutions and the protection of political figures. Units of the Angolan army are in Guinea Bissau as part of a process of reforming the defense sector and security in that country.

After the summit, leaders of ECOWAS should adopt a joint declaration reiterating their condemnation of coups perpetrated by the military in Mali and Guinea-Bissau, and to insist on the return of constitutional order in these two countries. In Mali, where power was handed over to civilians and a transitional government was formed by the Military Council, the situation in this country is considered "still tense" after the arrest of senior politicians of the country.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister of Mali transition, Cheick Modibo Diarra formed a government of national unity, whose priority will be to resolve the crisis in the north. The government team includes three members, who hold positions in the Defense of Territorial Administration (Interior) and Emergency Preparedness.

In Guinea-Bissau, ECOWAS still looking for a negotiated solution to the crisis resulting from the coup of April 12, after rejecting the transitional government formed by the military coup. The West African Organization also plans to send a force of "stabilization" in Guinea Bissau, where a "technical team" had already visited on Monday to "discuss a solution to the crisis through peace and dialogue ".

Led by the Chairman of the Committee of ECOWAS, the delegation left the capital Bissau Tuesday without reaching an agreement on ending the crisis, exacerbated by the arrest of former political leaders of the country.

The Council of Guinea-Bissau army said  on Wednesday that the establishment of a democratic system in the country "needs more time", which was completely rejected by West African leaders who aspire to the rapid return of constitutional order in that country.

The junta in Guinea-Bissau asked representatives of ECOWAS to give him the time needed to organize a consultation meeting with the various military leaders of the country, as well as political parties and representatives of civil society. The military coup in Guinea-Bissau arrested amongst others, the acting president, Armando Pereire, the Prime Minister, candidates in the second round of presidential elections, Carlos Gomis Juinor said Cadogo and several ministers.

 The Crises Mali and Guinea-Bissau  were the focus of a ministerial meeting of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) on Wednesday in Addis Ababa.

At the end of this meeting, the AU, which had suspended Guinea-Bissau, welcomed the encouraging developments in Mali, on the restoration of constitutional order and the appointment of an interim president and a transitional government . Concerned about the recent arrests of political and military figures, the CPS said that scrupulous respect for civil liberties was imperative, and strongly condemned any attempt that seeks to intimidate or harass political, civil and military.

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