Death toll in Cairo protests rises to over 20.

Mercredi 2 Mai 2012

The number killed in the protests near the defence ministry has risen to least 20 people according to the BBC. dozens injured when unidentified attackers stormed a protest by followers of the salafist politician Hazem Abu Ismail near the defence ministry headquarters in Cairo according to hospital staff.
 Death toll in Cairo protests rises to over 20.
The dawn assault  on Wednesday sparked fierce clashes between the unidentified attackers and the protesters, who have been there for  dayscalling for an end to military rule, with both sides hurling petrol bombs and rocks, the official said.

Soldiers and police have now intervened to stop the clashes, but as long as six hours after the violence started.
Two leading presidential candidates have suspended campaigning in protest at the way authorities handled it.

Witnesses described to the BBC how the attackers set on them at dawn using rocks, clubs, firebombs and firing shotguns. Egyptian state television said the clashes were ongoing.

The protesters, supporters of Salafist politician Hazem Abu Ismail, have been camped out since Saturday after the electoral commission barred the popular hardline Islamist from contesting next month's the presidential election.

Commentators say that use of unidentified attackers on protestors is reminiscent of incidents that occured during the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak .The presidential elections are due on 23 and 24 May with a run off on 16 and 17 June.

The main canidates are Mohamed Morsi of  the Muslim Brotherhood's FJP,  Abdul Moneim Aboul Fotouh who is supported by Salafist parties and former secretary General of  the Arab League, Amr Moussa.

Source :

NAU - Agencies