Death of the famous Tunisian composer and performer of the 60's and 80's Hédi Guella

Mercredi 14 Mars 2012

A committed artist and activist of the second generation of independence and famous interpreter of the song'''' Babur Zammar on emigration, Hedi Guella died on Wednesday morning after a long illness. He was born in 1951.
 Death of the famous Tunisian composer and performer of the 60's and 80's Hédi Guella
Hedi Guella, who was one of the representatives of the Tunisian committed song, began his career in the 70s, in Paris. He came to prominence and showcased his talents as a composer and performer. Among his most famous songs: "Kaddach'' Min'' and' in Arabic'' Zammir Babur". The deceased  also sang the works of Sghair Hmed Ouled Mohamed Bhar, and Lotfi Zemeken Jormana, writes Kapitalis.

In one of his last interviews, with'' Jet Set'' magazine, the late singer talks about his vision and that of his generation, the revolution of January 14, 2011.

"I will speak first of my generation. I think it's important to remember that since 1966, this generation has played a decisive role in the history of the struggles of the Tunisian people. The ideological basis of the Bourguiba system, and hence its strategic choices, began to bring something to light at that time, namely the denial of  the membership of Tunisia in the Arab world, the alliance with the imperialist , neo-colonialist West, and consequently, the crushing and stifling of any dissenting voice. Bourguiba, who was only the echo of the cultural dominance of the'' Western'' clan, laid two destructive blows. The first, striking at the heart of our religion (specifically the fast), and it was not a symbolic gesture, because it was a constituent element of our identity. The second was brought to freedom of expression without which no society can be a project progress. '' This great statesman'' found before him, in 1966 and until 1985, perhaps even beyond, the vanguard of our fellow students who called for democracy, freedom of expression, independent trade union, who said no to imperialist domination and, of course, Palestine will win.

"Then our eyes, I suppose, on what I call,  the revolutionary upheaval of winter 2011,  whether we are part or no of  groups or political movements, is the satisfaction of an expectation, and that the advent of the masses, far ahead of our visions, our analyses and possible strategies of struggle that we could imagine. A look of confidence to be honest.

"I am shaken by the discovery of the high political consciousness of our people, and amazed by the patriotism of our youth for which we were afraid. And it seems, the current leaders, want to listen to that voice, then continue. "

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