Cheick Modibo Diarra the new iterim Prime Minister of Mali

Jeudi 19 Avril 2012

Mali has a new interim Prime Minister Cheick Modibo Diarra. The son in law of forme President Mousa Traoré he has had remarkable career as an astrophysist work on Nasa projects after studying in universities in Paris and in Washington.He played a role in several Nasa programs.
Cheick Modibo Diarra the new iterim Prime Minister of Mali
In 1999, he obtained permission from NASA to work part-time in order to devote himself to education development in Africa, founding the Pathfinder Foundation. He took a further sabbatical in 2002 to found a laboratory in Bamako, Mali for the development of solar energy. In 2000 and 2001 he also served as a goodwill ambassador for UNESCO. In 2002 and 2003 he served as CEO of the African Virtual University, based in Kenya.He was the chairman of Microsoft Africa from 2006-2011 before turning to politics in Mali and founding the Rally for Development. He was planning to run as a presidential candidatein the 2012 elections. ahich were forestalled by the coup led by Captain Amadou Sanogo.

in his 2000 book "Interplanetary Navigator", Mr Diarra wrote that long before his prestigious career began, he was shaped  by the values of his ancestors in central Mali.

"I am an heir to hard workers of the land, who instilled in me a work ethic and a love for the work of the countryside," he wrote. The married father of three said he was driven to run for the Malian presidency by his desire to better the lives of  the country's rural poor.

A fresh presidential election has to be organised within 40 days but Ecowas has acknowledged that it may take longer.A number of former ministers and political personalities have been arrested by the former junta and the interim goevrnment.The former President Amadou Toumani Touré has taken refuge in the Senegalese embassy in Bamako.

The interim government will have to resolve these issues and get the country back to normality following the Ecowas and international sanctions imposed against the junta.They will also have  the effective the effective partition of Mali by the Tuareg rebel forces in the north of Mali. The MNLA has declared the independence of Awazad but it and the islamist Ansar Dine are divided.  


Source :

NAU - Agencies