Celebration of International Day of Jazz in Algiers

Mercredi 2 Mai 2012

A musical concert was hosted by the famous Serbian pianist Bojan Z and several Algerian artists in the Ibn Zaydoun room in Algierson the occasion of the first "International Day of Jazz".
Celebration of International Day of Jazz in Algiers
April 30 was declared "International Day of Jazz" by the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco). This day is intended to raise international awareness of the virtues of jazz as an educational tool and as a force for dialogue, peace and cooperation among peoples.

Organized by the Algerian Agency for the cultural influence (AARC) in partnership with the Office of Riyadh el feth (OREF) concert brought together groups and Sinoudj Madar and Salim Fergani and Kawthar Meziti around the pianist Bojan Zulfikarpasic.

Before a packed audience Bojan Z played his famous solo composition "The wild card" before being joined by the musicians of the Algerian group Madar and interpret all "Cirta" from the album of the group.

Accompanied by the brothers Bouzid in saxophone and piano training Andalusian singer Kawthar Meziti took the stage to present a fusion of jazz and Andalusian singing "laughesOr Erryam" with a sweet and powerful voice accompanied by piano,bass, saxophone and battery.

The group Sinoudj Constantine played two songs "Majazz" and "Berablues", a form of jazz with influences from classical Algerian music including the violin and darbuka.

The encounter between jazz and Andalusian Sinoudj continues with the group that mounted a project with jazz-Malouf Salim Fergani. On this project the two styles overlap without actually merging, Bojan Z's piano interacted with the violin before Kheireddine M'kachich Salim began Fergani do a piece on the lute accompanied by bass and drums. Very close to the group's vision Hijazz the project is based on alternating movements and jazz Malouf found no real harmony for common movements.

During the evening Bojan Z received an award from the AARC who offered him the honorary title of ambassador of Algeria in the jazz world. At this unexpected offer Bojan responded favorably and promised to do "everything possible to help theAlgerian musicians to express themselves at international level."

Jazz, cradle of miscegenation par excellence, is the result of the meeting of African and European cultures on American soil. It is therefore in the nature of "the music of musicians" to open up to the merger. It is now considered, rightly, as an "engine of social change" by Unesco.

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/Celebration-of-...