Benkirane and Rajoy: The Pious Beards

Lundi 30 Janvier 2012

Rajoy in Morocco has been the curiosity of the moment, his first foreign visit as president of the council has not gone unnoticed.With a than warm embrace but not all protocol between the very twirling Abdelilah Benkirane and Mariano Rajoy, it was the event of the day for the press and the Spanish forums.
Benkirane and Rajoy: The Pious Beards
The Spanish watched with suspicion the visit of their new president in a country and a people, which a year ago saw millions take to the streets to demonstrate against what is now the second party of the current government(Istiqlal),  which described the PP as a 'fascist Spanish People's Party', to the sad occasion of the Saharawi camp Gdim Izik and the more hostile behavior of the PP against the kingdom.

But now to business, which for Rajoy had to do with the reason for the state, the interests of Spain , a genuflection to the imposed European crisis which has led to changed positions, facing a Morocco that tries to  be democratic, with all that this includes for the risk of outbreaks of fevered disputes that can scald the neighborhood's northern region.

 Rajoy also came to scout for new partners to understand the Moroccan Islamist PJD better.

 The Spanish opinion formers in their innumerable comments on the visit of their president to Morocco, cocentrate on the characters of the two new  prime ministers on both sides of the strait, without failing to point out that this can also be highly flammable.

Note that, having been embraced by Benkirane, while it is not customary in Spanish culture, Mariano Rajoy has chosen not to publish photos of meetings with his Moroccan counterpart, merely those of the hearing given to him by the King.

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