Barid Al-Maghrib Signs Three Cooperation Agreements with China Post Group in Beijing

Mardi 3 Juillet 2018

Rabat - The Barid Al-Maghrib Group (GBAM) has recently signed three cooperation agreements in Beijing with the Chinese postal operator China Post Group aimed at strengthening e-commerce exchanges and facilitating money transfers between Morocco and China.

These agreements, inked by Barid Al-Maghrib's Managing Director, Amin Benjelloun, and China Post Group Chairman, Li Guohua, are part of GBAM's determination to continue its international partnerships and strengthen its cooperation with the Chinese postal institution, says Barid Al-Maghrib in a statement.

They concretize the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in September 2017 between Barid Al-Maghrib and China Post Group which provided for the strengthening of know-how sharing between the two international organizations, notably through the joint development of their financial services, in particular electronic funds transfers as well as banking and postal services, adds the same source.

The first agreement consists of the creation of a "marketplace" for e-commerce designed to promote the sale of Moroccan products to enable artisans and small businesses in the Kingdom to propose their products on the Chinese market, the statement notes.

The second agreement concerns the implementation of a parcel offer more adapted to the e-commerce market.

The third agreement will provide a framework for the establishment of a money transfer corridor between the two countries and the promotion of cooperation between Al-Barid Bank and Postal Saving Bank of China, a subsidiary of China Post Group, concludes the same source.