BIM, the giant Turkish food retailer, plans to open 50 new outlets in Morocco

Jeudi 15 Mars 2012

The Turkish giant food retailer, BIM intends to strengthen its presence in Morocco by opening 50 new outlets across the Kingdom, as part of its new growth strategy to internationally, particularly in the Arab world, MAP reports
BIM, the giant Turkish food retailer, plans to open 50 new outlets in Morocco
Morocco is the only foreign country where BIM has opened mini-markets. There currently are 76, say the leaders of the Turkish brand of  Hard discount stores at the presentation on Wednesday in Istanbul, of the  2011 company  results and its prospects for the current year.

 After Morocco, BIM plans to enter the Egyptian market from 1-st half of 2013 with 10 outlets, for an investment of 25 million Turkish Lira (TL 1 = $ 1.80),the same source added.

The Turkish hard discount  chain realised a net profit of TL 300 million, in 2011 up 21.7 pc compared to 2010. Its sales were up 24, 5 to 8 pc, 2 billion TL.

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