Algerian election campaign gets underway

Dimanche 15 Avril 2012

The Algerian electoral campaign started on Sunday with 44 political parties competing for 462 seats. The campaign will end on 6 May with the elections on 10 May.
Algerian election campaign gets underway
The ministry issued a statement saying that 2,053 lists of candidates had been received by 26 March which was the deadline for the submission of lists. According to the statement, 1,842 lists covered 44 political parties of which 21 were new parties approved and registered in January. The remaining 211 lists were for independent candidates.A total of 7,646 of the 25,800 candidates are female which means that the female-male gender split of candidates is 30.18% and 69.82% respectively, APS reports.

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the government have urged voters, especially the young to turn out in record numbers and 120 EU observers  amongst others totalling 500 are in place to ensure fairness and transparency.

Internal differences over the choice of candidates have caused differences in the FLN and the islamic "green coalition". The FLN  which holds 136 seats in paliament is facing a potential crisis because over 50% ot the FLN central committee are calling for an extraordinary meeting to pass a vote of no confidence in their Secretary General over the way candidates for the election have been selected in particular those who have had little or no connection with the party and some prominent businessmen. This is potentially destabalising just as the election gets underway.

The islamic colation of three parties the Movement for Society and Peace (MSP) Ennhadda and El Islah hope to become the ruling coalition . Abdallah Djaballah the president of the Front for Justice and Development (FJD) has said that he expects to be elected prime minister but the islamists are also unable to agree on their list of candidates.

The  National  Democratic Rally (RND) the party of Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia is also facing  dissension from  party members in the South over their candidates list. The Socialist Forces Front of Hocine Ait-Ahmed has decided to campaign inthe election but its rival in Kabilye Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD) is calling for a boycott.

This leaves the level of turnout  uncertain and the make up of the next Algerian parliament may well be different if the FLN fails to gain a majority of votes.

Source :

NAU - Agencies