Algeria's elections - turn out in question

Vendredi 20 Avril 2012

In a remarkably open article APS remarks that the election campaign is marked by a gloomy atmosphere and bad organization according to the national daily newspapers on Thursday stressed that a gloomy atmosphere and political parties’ bad organization that have marked the general electoral campaign for 10 May so far.
Algeria's elections - turn out in question
National daily newspapers on Wednesday stressed the lack of enthusiasm for the electoral campaign despite the importance of the general election of May 10.Liberté daily newspaper underlined that the legislative election had drawn a large number of candidates (25,800), but aroused "little enthusiasm" among citizens, more concerned about the high cost of living.

The newspaper El Khabar also mentioned the lack of interest among citizens in the electoral campaign, stressing the "irrelevance" of the candidates speeches.Some candidates failed to have a capacity audience in big cities like Constantine, it noted.

Le Soir d’Algerie wrote that the meeting recently hosted by the Socialist Forces Front (FFS) in the capital allowed the political party to "discover the lack of interest among the ordinary people concerning politics in general and the general election of May 10 in particular."

El Watan stressed in its front page the concerns of general election candidates in France, expressed Saturday at a meeting that brought them together with consulate administrative clerks.

All leaders of political parties are following President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's call for a large turnout and stressing the historic moment this election represents but many Algerians, especially the unemployed young and the students complaning about the shortcomings of educational instituations have had enough of their politicians and the promises of the past that were never kept.

Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia said that unemployment and housing could be fixed but it begs the question why has more not be done.The islamist coalition looks unlikely to benefit in the way that their moderate islamist counterparts in did in Tunisia and Morocco where the electors felt they offered a new way forward.The Algerian electorate do not at this stage look as though they are going to give the green coalition the benefit of the doubt in sufficient numbers to form a govertnment. Of course elections if free and fair can always offer up a surprise. however the bellweather of the Algerian press-its superb cartoon spots are all saying that Algerians have had enough ofpolitics and their politicians. They will also have noticed that the islamist led governments of their neighbours have lost some of their shine which is perhaps inevitablegiven the problems they are facing.
Both the FLN and the green coalition are divided amongst themselves and squabling which doesn't inspire confidence in the voters.

The Minister of the Interior Ould Kabila said that nationally, the electorate is 20,673,875 voters, a rate of 95.43%,The distribution of the electorate by gender shows that 11,772,792 (54.34%) are men and 9,891,553 (45.60%) are women.The Algerian community abroad is 990,470, a rate of 4.57%. The Minister in a meeting instructed the walis and officers of his department to ensure the success of the elections on May 10, 2012.The Ministry of Interior says it is neutral and does not back any political party.

Algeria has not had an Arab Spring and whilst violent revolution will probably not happen the disaffection with politics and politicians and the system is widespread especially amongst the young unemployed deprived of hope. They may demonstrate their anger.

If there turn out is low it will be an indictment of the system and an oil and gas rich economy which has failed to be seen to be really benefiting its people. Housing,education,jobs the same basic needs are everywhere. The one party that might pick up seats in parliament are the Trotskyist Workers party. Lisa Hannoune is renowned for her plain speaking.If this election fails to attract the backing of its voters in sufficient quantities all eyes will be on the Presidential elections next year. Many will wonder how to change the system which has lasted so long and
how to develop a business cilture which is less dependent on hydrocarbons.

Source :

NAU - Agencies