Algeria refuses to extradite the Gaddafi family

Mercredi 29 Février 2012

Algeria has been plagued for months by the withering criticism of members of the National Transitional Council, in power in Libya due to the hosting of Gaddafi family members.
Algeria refuses to extradite the Gaddafi family
The Algerian regime has refused to separate from the relatives of the deceased dictator Muammar Qaddafi, reported on  Tuesday, the Russian Agency for International Information RIA Novosti, citing the Algerian Arabic daily, close to the circles of power, Echourouk.

 The Algerian daily which has sources within the authorities, reports that the motivation for the refusal, could be the absence of any guidance from the international criminal court or Interpol, besides the fact that the regime is said to have received no formal request for extradition from Tripoli.

 Refugees in Algeria since August 29 last, the family members including his widow Safia Gaddafi , his daughter Aicha and her two son Mohamed and Hannibal, their home, according to British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, is a villa in the Club de Pines, in the Algiers area, while the regime, to the amazement of the international community, invoked humanitarian reasons.

 Mustapha Abdeljalil, president of the NTC, had ordered all countries that offered refuge to the members of the former Libyan regime to deliver them to the new government in Tripoli, Otherwise,the NTC would review its diplomatic relations with the these countries.

Niger has already refused a request by Mustapha Abdeljalil for the extradition of Saadi Gaddafi to Tripoli citing the lack of an independent judicial system in Libya.Both Aicha Gaddafi in Algeria and Saadi Gaddafi in Niger have made political statements to foreign media which embarrased their hots governments.

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