Algeria and US: Hilary Clinton in Algiers on Saturday

Mercredi 22 Février 2012

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will make next Saturday a working visit to Algeria at the invitation of her Algerian counterpart, Mourad Medelci, said Wednesday the spokesman of Foreign Ministry, Amar Belani.
Algeria and US: Hilary Clinton in Algiers on Saturday
"The talks Mrs Clinton will have during her stay in Algeria, will focus on strengthening the multifaceted bilateral relationship linking the two countries and the process of reaching political reforms underway in our country," said Mr. Belani in a statement, APS reports.

 They will also focus on "issues of regional and international news of common interest such as economic conditions prevailing in some parts of the Arab world, the revival of regional integration in the Maghreb, the security situation in the Sahel and the international fight against terrorism and its connections, "he added.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit Morocco on February 25-26, as part of a tour that will take her also to Tunisia, Algeria and the United Kingdom, the US Department of State said on Tuesday.

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