Algeria and UNITAR sign two cooperation agreements

Lundi 16 Avril 2012

Two cooperation agreements, one on the training of Algerian trainee diplomats and senior executives and the other supporting entrepreneurship for graduates were signed Sunday in Algiers between Algeria and the United Nations Institute for research andTraining (UNITAR).
Algeria and UNITAR sign two cooperation agreements
Since its inception in 1965, UNITAR has built sustainable partnerships acquiring unique expertise,experience and knowledge to fulfil its mandate.These accomplishments have enabled UNITAR to respond to the growing demand from UN Member States for training for capacity development.

The agreements were signed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the visit to Algeria (April 14-16) of a delegation  from UNITAR led by its Executive Director Carlos Lopes, recently appointed by the UN Secretary General as chairman of the  Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).The visit was also an opportunity to symbolic launch of the international centrefor training of local people of the Maghreb (Maghreb CIFAL) with a conference on democratic governance that Lopes hosted at The National School of Administration (ENA) in Algiers.

In 2011, Mr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Director of UNITAR and Mr. Mohammed El Amine Bencherif, Director General a.i. of Political Affairs and International Security of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, signed a Partnership Agreement for the establishment of an International Training Centre for Local Actors (CIFAL Maghreb) in Algiers.

The agreement aims to strengthen the capacity of the Algerian administration in public management and governance at the central and local level in economic, social and environmental fields. In a mid-term perspective, training provided to mid and high-level officials will also benefit other countries from the Maghreb and the Sahel, thereby ensuring cross-fertilization between practitioners who often face similar challenges regarding management and governance.

Particular attention will be paid to issues of strategic planning, improving the management and the quality of urban public services, and supporting socio-economic and environmental shifts. Part of the activities will consist in conducting training of trainer sessions to ensure an effective transition towards local management of training activities delivered by the CIFAL. Until the CIFAL is allocated with its own premises, the training Center will be hosted within the National School of Administration (ENA).

President Bouteflika's 2012 budget speech laid particular emphasis on encouraging entrepreurship for young people and this initiative can be seen as part of the effort to achieve this aim as well as other EU and US initiatives which are  concentrating on helping to build capacity in the Maghreb in line with recent initiatives on the Arab Maghreb Union.  

Source :

NAU - Agencies