Africa CEO Forum 20-21 November 2012 in Geneva.

Jeudi 26 Avril 2012

300 CEOs from over 40 African countries, 100 bankers and investors and a large number of key African public sector decision makers will gather in Geneva for two days of debate and dialogue.
Africa CEO Forum 20-21 November 2012 in Geneva.
After almost a decade of uninterrupted growth (over 6% a year), Africa is one of the world’s most promising business markets as Europe juggles one crisis after another.

The Africa CEO Forum was conceived as the first high-level international meeting of the heads of Africa’s biggest companies, providing an alternative platform to the typical sector-focused events and run-of-the-mill academic forums.  For two days, this ground-breaking event will bring together business leaders, investors, financiers and public sector decision-makers to promote the success of the African private sector, provide a platform for high-level dialogue and propose solutions to support the strategic development of African enterprise and its markets.

According to Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank, co-organiser of the event, the Africa CEO Forum is a perfect fit for the AfDB’s mission to foster an environment more conducive to business and to the development of the private sector.  The aim, he says, is to “highlight the initiatives of African enterprise, reconcile entrepreneurs’ points of view and promote regional and inter-African trade”.

Confirmed participants include many of the continent’s best-known business leaders, such as Aliko Dangote, CEO of Nigeria’s biggest industrial conglomerate; Jean-Louis Billon, president of Sifca, Cote d’Ivoire’s largest private employer; Issad Rebrad, CEO of Cevital, Algeria’s leading private company; Mostafa Terrab, CEO of OCP (Morocco), the world's largest exporter of phosphate; and Mark Cutifani, who heads up South Africa’s AngloGold Ashanti mining group. Leaders of some of the world’s most iconic multinationals have already announced their presence at this Geneva rendezvous, like Tidjane Thiam, CEO of British insurance group Prudential, and Sunny Verghese, CEO of Singapore-based agribusiness multinational Olam.

All subscribe to the initiative of this first major African private sector forum, for the opportunity to share experiences and contacts while collaborating on the strategic development of African enterprise and its contribution to the economic growth of the continent.

All interested companies can register and receive regular updates on the website

For more information, please contact:

Vanessa Ralli

Public & Media Relations – Partnerships

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