Abuja: Morocco Participates in 7th Meeting of CEN-SAD Defense Ministers

Vendredi 22 Juin 2018

Abuja - On high Royal instructions, a Moroccan delegation led by minister delegate to the head of government for National Defense Administration, Abdeltif Loudyi, took part in the 7th meeting of ministers of Defense of the Community of Sahel- Saharan States (CEN-SAD), held in Abuja on June 20- 21.

The theme of this edition is the consolidation of achievements made in the fight against terrorism through solidarity and development actions.

Loudyi delivered a speech on this occasion, in which he highlighted the multidimensional strategy led by Morocco to counter terrorism.

He also recalled the Kingdom's commitment alongside the CEN-SAD member States as well as the importance attached by HM King Mohammed VI to South-South cooperation and to the structuring development projects carried out by Morocco with the Community member States, including the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline which is to cover a large number of CEN-SAD countries.

Loudyi also announced the Kingdom's proposal to host the 8th Defense Ministerial Session, which was welcomed by the participants in recognition of its commendable efforts to promote peace, stability and development in Africa, in addition to its experience in the fight against terrorism that is shared with the States of the region.

Source : https://www.emouaten.com/english/Abuja-Morocco-Par...