5+5 meeting in Rome final declaration.

Mardi 21 Février 2012

Foreign ministers of the 5+5 Mediterranean Group agreed in a final declaration, at the end of their meeting in Rome Monday, to strengthen dialogue in the Western Mediterranean.
5+5 meeting in Rome final declaration.
The foreign ministers of the 5 +5 group agreed in a final statement after their meeting in Rome yesterday, to strengthen dialogue in the Western Mediterranean. Based on the achievements of the "unique experience" that the countries of the 5 +5 dialogue developed in the security field, particularly through the meetings of Ministers of Defence and Interior Ministers they called for "further work in priority areas of the fight against terrorism and organized crime and illegal trafficking." They particularly emphasised the deteriorating security situation in the Sahel as a cause for concern.

They  agreed to expand areas of cooperation to include food and energy security,the environment , trade and transport and structured regional cooperation in the fields of Higher Education and Scientific Research and technology transfer and national innovation systems. The Foreign Ministers called for increased cooperation and a common approach on tourism recognising that the tourism industries of member countries had been badly hit by the global economic crisis. Increased cultural dialogue was also called for and agreed to look for new financing mechanisms for projects given the economic difficulties.The Ministers reiterated their continued commitment and effort by the EU for Southern Mediterranean countries.

The foreign ministers of the Group 5+5 welcomed the "democratic changes" taking place in some countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean, and called on the international community "to provide the necessary support for the success of this process."

In a declaration adopted at the end of their ninth meeting, the ministers voiced deep conviction that the "historic changes" under way since the beginning of 2011 in some countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean, as well as the democratic reforms undertaken in others, will enable to "consolidate the 5+5 dialogue and develop cooperation activities between the group members".

"These democratic changes in the region will need the support of the entire international community in order to enable transition governments or those stemming from the polls to ensure the success of the democratic process," the document says

The  5+ 5  Group consists of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania on the south shore of the Mediterranean and Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Malta, on the north shore. It is an important forum for dialogue between the EU and the Maghreb at a time of heightened security concerns and economic difficulties. The EU continues to express its strong support for and its commitement to its Mediterranean neighbours given that they represent an important strategic market for European goods and the gas pipelines from Libya and Algeria direct to Europe represent a vitral source of energy for EU markets. 

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/5-5-meeting-in-...