e-Algérie: a plan to boost . DZ

Jeudi 2 Février 2012

Poorly known, or only by complaints, Algerians feel the sameway, the extension .DZ, with only 4,000 registered domain names, has never really taken off. To increase this number to a million is the ambitious plan for "e-Algérie".
e-Algérie: a plan to boost . DZ
While, according to the latest issue estimated 8 to 10 million Algerians, or about one quarter of the population, use the Internet regularly, the number of domain names for .DZ reached just 4000. However, strict  registration conditions are not the only factor in the lack of  infatuation  of the Algerians for the Inational expansion of the Internet. Lack  of infrastructures, administrative constraints (red tape, delays)and services, also contribute to it.  The Algerian government has realised  this and since 2009, has put in place the "e-Alégrie" plan in order "for Algeria to improve its visibility on the Internet through effective management of the .DZ domain name ", writes Ralph Tessier.
Structured around 13 major areas, the plan forsees the following:

An accleration of the use of information technology and communication technology (ICT) both within government (dvelopment of online services for users) and within companies;  measures designed to enable managers and trainers to enable small businesses to access equipments and network.

Facilities; strengthening of telecommunication infrastructure high and very high  frequency: setting  the national level of infrastructure, the quality of service and network. Securing the effective management of national extension name. DZ are the four goals.

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/e-Algerie-a-pla...