Visit by Nicolas Hulot to Rabat postponed by Morocco, diplomatic sources

Lundi 24 Février 2014

Rabat - The visit which was scheduled, on Monday in Rabat, by Nicolas Hulot, special envoy of French president for the planet protection, was postponed by Morocco, diplomatic sources said.
Visit by Nicolas Hulot to Rabat postponed by Morocco, diplomatic sources
Nicolas Hulot was scheduled to give a lecture in Rabat on the theme of the planet protection and meet with Moroccan officials.

This postponement was made by Rabat while awaiting explanations on the complaint lodged in France by an NGO against the director general of territory surveillance (DGST) for an alleged torture complicity in Morocco, the same source said.

The postponement was also made by Rabat while waiting the French authorities to provide explanations concerning the hurtful words and demeaning expressions by the Ambassador of France in Washington, who described Morocco as a "mistress with whom we sleep every night and, though we are not particularly in love with her, must defend."

A statement by communication minister, government spokesperson Mustapha El Khalfi said that Moroccan government condemns, in the strongest terms, the hurtful words and demeaning expressions by the Ambassador of France in Washington.

The source recalls that these insulting statements "were made by a Spanish actor, notoriously known for his deeply-rooted hostility towards Morocco's territorial integrity, to French media outlets as part of a slanderous campaign against the sacred cause of all Moroccans."

These statements are scandalous and unacceptable all the more so since the government of the Kingdom of Morocco is tirelessly striving for the reinforcement of bilateral ties, on the basis of sincere friendship, mutual respect and a win-win partnership, it added.

The Moroccan government, it went on to say, is convinced that France will put right the harm done by these statements which have hurt all Moroccans.

France will find an adequate way, beyond the mere denial by the spokesperson of the French foreign affairs ministry without a reaction by the diplomat concerned, to make redress and undo the harm done by these statements, and what was deceptively attributed to it or really said, the source added.

Minister delegate for foreign affairs Mbarka Bouaida summoned, on Friday at the ministry's headquarters, France's ambassador in Rabat Charles Fries to express Morocco's strong protest following information about a complaint lodged against the Director General of Territory Surveillance (DGST) concerning an alleged torture complicity in Morocco.

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