Urban Development: US - Moroccan talks in Chicago

Vendredi 9 Mars 2012

The Moroccan Minister of Housing,Spatial Planning and Urban Policy, Nabil Benabdallah and the Mayor of Casablanca, Mohamed Sajid, held talks on Thursday in Chicago, with the Mayor of the city and former Chief of Staff at the White House, Rahm Emanuel, co-chair the 4th meeting of the OECD Round Table of Mayors and Ministers for Urban development, MAP reports.
Urban Development: US - Moroccan talks in Chicago
Discussions between the two parties have included preparations to mark the 30th anniversary of the twinning agreement linking Casablanca and Chicago and  the means to further strengthen this partnership and cooperation ties between the two cities, MAP reports.

 Mr. Emanuel expressed his willingness to broaden exchanges and cooperation between Chicago and Casablanca to also include the area of ​​water management and water resources, expressing his disposal to share expertise accumulated by the city in this area.

 Mr. Nabil Benabdallah noted that the issue of water management is a major problem in Morocco, stressing that this is one of the problems that his ministry is working to adjust so sustainable.

 M. Sajid, highlighted the difficulties associated with deficits in infrastructure for managing water and sanitation in Casablanca, expressing its willingness to exchange expertise with the authorities of the city of Chicago and enjoy their broader experience in this field.

 The President of the Twinning Association Casablanca-Chicago, Mr. Boubker Mazoz, also took part in this interview, held in conjunction with the 4th meeting of the OECD Round Table of Mayors and Ministers for Urban Development on Thursday in the U.S. city of Chicago.

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/Urban-Developme...