UNESCO celebrates World Book Day 23 April 2012 focusing on translation

Samedi 21 Avril 2012

The UN cultural and educational agency UNESCO will celebrate World Book Day throughout the world, spreading the culture of reading and encouraging the protection of intellectual property and author’s rights.
UNESCO celebrates World Book Day 23 April 2012 focusing on translation
The organisation announced in their press release that 23 April is an historical day, pointing to the fact that in 1616 Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Garcilaso de la Vega died on 23 April. Furthermore, the day marks the birthday for a number of other authors including Vladimir Nabokov, Manuel Mejia Vallejo and Halldor Laxness.

UNESCO utilises this celebration to promote the value of reading and writing, encouraging people - and particularly youth -to discover the joy of books and to respect the contributions of authors and novelists to the cultural development of  societies and humanity.

2012 also marks the 80th anniversary of the Index Translationum.This international bibliography of translation provides a unique tool for the monitoring of translation flows in the world. UNESCO will celebrate theanniversary by organizing a debate on this index. This meeting, will take place at UNESCO headquarters on 23 April 2012 and will bring together researchers and users of the Index Translationum as well as specialists in the field of translation and book markets.

In a message the Director General of Unesco Irina Bokova says:"Books are the most powerful forms of dialogue between individuals, within communities, between generations and with other societies. This unique means of dialogue must be protected. The technology of books is old, but it remains cutting-edge, functional and in some conditions irreplaceable. This does not mean that change is not happening or that we should resist it outright.

Books embody the human capacity to conjure up worlds of reality and imagination and to express them. They are the best voices of tolerance. They provide the strongest signs of hope. Books are pillars for free and open societies."

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/UNESCO-celebrat...

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