The Role of Social Media in Arab Women’s Empowerment

Mercredi 1 Février 2012

The Arab Social Media Report,published by the Dubai School of Government examines the role of social media such as Facebook,YouTube and Twitter in the Arab Spring, in regards to the role and status of Arab women in society.
The Role of Social Media in Arab Women’s Empowerment
It notes that whilst  Arab women are active demonstrations and politics, yet their presence on Facebook is low
compared   to women in other regions and men. It asks whether Arab women perceive social media as useful for them. Finally it asks whether social media can increase womens civic participation and contribute to their political and economic empowerment in the Arab world. 

Facebook has 800 million users worldwide and over 50 per cent log in daily, 350 million users access facebook by mobile.Twitter reached over 100 million active users in September 2011 with 200 million tweets a day.

Social media is increasingly seen as important as a tool for women's empowerment in the Arab region.In the Arab world, men remain twice as likely as women to be users of social media. The barriers to women’s utilization
of social media can be divided into two categories: Environmental and Personal. This  the report says ,relates to access to IT and the level of education.

The regional survey results clearly show that barriers are predominantly environmental, and require efforts in addressing discriminatory attitudes and cultural constraints on women.

Despite a virtual gender gap between Arab men and women Facebook users Arab men and womenhave simuilar opinions on the use of Facebook and women's participation in the social and political arena.The majority of respondents felt that social media had the potential to be an empowering and engaging tool for women,
whether in social, economic, legal, political or civic arenas.

There is however the reality of gender inequalities in the Arab region. The real-life barriers on the ground as regards these inequalities should not be underestimated,and needs to be addressed in efforts to promote gender equality in the region.Social media can continue to play an important role in empowering Arab women in the future. However, this will only be realised when a critical mass of young Arab women—and men—embrace social media with the objective of influencing societal change.

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