The Morocco-Niger Joint Commission advocates upgrading the strategic cooperation partnerhip between the two countries

Vendredi 4 Mai 2012

The Joint Communiqué of the Third Session of the Joint Commission between Morocco and Niger which took place Thursday in Niamey, advocated upgrading the level of strategic partnership of cooperation between the two countries.
The Morocco-Niger Joint Commission advocates upgrading the strategic cooperation partnerhip between the two countries
During construction of the joint commission, chaired by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Mr Saad El Dine Otmani and his counterpart from Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, both sides welcomed the bonds of brotherhood and solidarity existing between Morocco and Niger, reaffirming their determination to boost bilateral cooperation, especially economic and trade, to fully reflect the excellent relations between the two countries, said the joint statement.

To this end, both sides at the meeting to examined and identified projects and actions they have agreed to conduct jointly,to infuse their cooperation  witha new dynamic.

Stressing the vital role of private sector in economic and trade exchanges, both parties have invited private operators of both countries to seize partnership opportunities offered by the two respective markets. They have, to this effect, called for the establishment of a Council of Niger-Morocco Affairs.

On the diplomatic front, Mr. El Otmani thanked his counterpart for Niger's consistent position on the Sahara issue. At this meeting, the Niger has, in fact, reiterated its support for UN efforts for a political solution to Sahara issue.

At the Regional level, the two ministers examined the political situation on the African continent and raised the issue of peace and stability in the subregion of West Africa and Sahel-Saharan Africa, the statement said.

They, in particular, expressed deep concern about the many illegal trafficking of weapons, drugs and human beings, that prevail in the Sahel-Saharan area. They have, in this regard, agreed to strengthen cooperation between their Forces andSecurity Services to address this situation.

They also expressed their commitment to the values ​​of dialogue, to reach a peaceful settlement of disputes, and their determination to work for stability in this part of the Continent, to enable countries in the Sub-Region to devote their resources to development issues.

The two ministers expressed on this subject, their strong condemnation of acts which questioned the constitutional order in Mali and Guinea Bissau and urged the return to democratic legality in both countries. They also strongly rejected the proclamation of an alleged state of Azawad by the MNLA and reaffirmed their commitment to the unity and territorial integrity of Mali.

In this regard, Mr. El Otmani reiterated the full support Morocco's efforts by ECOWAS, for peace, stability and security in West Africa and urged the return of displaced populations in their countries of origin , said the joint statement.

As such, Mr. El Otmani recalled that, through her membership in the Maghreb and the Sahel Sahara, the Kingdom is naturally and directly concerned by the threats emanating from the Sahel and it is closely monitoring the evolution the situation in this part of the Continent.

For his part, Mr. Bazoum expressed the gratitude of the people of Niger to HM King Mohammed VI,the Sovereign for His High Solicitude following the sending of humanitarian aid to Niger.  The Nigerien minister also welcomed the commitment of His Majesty the King in promoting dialogue as the preferred means for resolving conflicts in Africa and praised the continuous support of Morocco to the actions of the UN and its support for efforts of ECOWAS, for peace and security in Africa and particularly in West Africa. He also reiterated his desire to see Morocco back in the Institutional African Family.

Considering the evolving threats to peace and stability, both sides stressed the need for more regional  cooperation between the countries of North Africa and those of West Africa. They have, to this effect, called for the establishment of a cooperation mechanism  which is transregional in nature, to foster an inclusive management for issues in the region.

Regarding the economic and social development of Africa, the two sides stressed the need to strengthen South-South Cooperation and to promote the sustainable development of countries of the Region in accordance with the Declaration of Busan on the effectiveness of aid.

After the meeting, both sides agreed to hold the 4th Session of the Joint Commission of Niger-Morocco Cooperation in Rabat on a date to be decided by mutual agreement through diplomatic channels.

During his stay in Niamey, Mr. El Otmani was received in audience by Prime Minister, Head of the Government of Niger, Mr Brigi Rafini.

An important Moroccan delegation representing all departments concerned with the bilateral cooperation between the two countries took part in the work of the 3rd Joint Commission.

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