The Algerian economy must create 350,000 jobs annually to absorb unemployment

Lundi 7 Mai 2012

Algeria's economy is expected to create about 350,000 jobs per year of employment to absorb unemployment in the country, the Chairman of the Forum of Heads of Enterprises (FCE), Reda Hamiani said on Sunday in Algiers
The Algerian economy must create 350,000 jobs annually to absorb unemployment
"The Algerian economy needs to create, based on the annual growth rate of the population, 350,000 job positions each year. But unfortunately it is far from that figure," said Mr. Hamiani, chairman of the FCE, during a lecture at the National School of Journalism and Information.

He felt that despite the " proactive political initiatives implemented by the State to foster job creation, the real economy only manages to create 100,000 to 150,000 jobs.

For him, the problem of these iniatives (ANEM, ANSEJ ...), where the state had to invest a lot of money, is that they are"precarious" and once gone, the young recipients loose benefits.

Mr. Hamiani also attributes this inability to generate such a large number of jobs (350,000) to the limited number of SMEs in Algeria, estimated at around 600,000 units.

The unemployment rate in Algeria is currently around 10%, according to figures from the National Statistics Office.

"Compared with neighboring countries, Algeria should have 1.5 million companies," he added.

He said the insufficient number of SMEs is mainly due to a mismatch between the industry framework in Algeria and the needs of its economy, the training does not always correspond to the entrepreneurs' expectations.

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