TICAD IV calls for reinforcing support for Africa to boost economic growth.

Lundi 7 Mai 2012

The Fourth Ministerial Follow-up Meeting of Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV), which ended on Sunday in Marrakech, called for reinforcing the support for Africa in order to boost its economic growth.The conference was attended by 51 African nations and co-chaired by Japan and Morocco.
TICAD IV calls for reinforcing support for Africa to boost economic growth.
 The conference committed to undertaking a joint action to turn Africa into a hot destination for investments through ameliorating the business climate, developing infrastructure and encouraging public-private partnerships and South-South cooperation.Co-chaired by Moroccan Foreign Minister Saad Dine El Otmani and  Japanese Foreign Minisdter Koichiro Gemba, the meeting assessed the implementation of the 2008 Yokohama action plan. TICAD V is scheduled for June 1-3, 2013, in the Japanese city of Yokohama.

Japan is  giving $1.3 billion  this  year in aid to African nations to help combat the effects of climate change, Japan’s Foreign Affairs Minister Koichiro Gemba said , AFP reported. “Sustainable development from now on depends on the consolidation of security and peace, and the processes of democratisation and good governance,” he said.

Moroccan Foreign Minister Saad Dine El Otmani affirmed, on Saturday, that South-South cooperation is a crucial lever that backs up efforts by the international community in favor of development in Africa, MAP reported. He highlighted Morocco's role  in supporting development in Africa which included private sector support in the field of  air transportation, banking services, mining exploitation, vocational training and fisheries. Morocco ranks first in terms of investments in West Africa which shows its effective commitment to upgrading and developing the economic fabric of the continent’s countries.He underlined Morocco’s active participation in peacekeeping and re-construction operations in some African countries and he he urged African states and their development partners to act immediately in order to lay thebases for a comprehensive vision that would enable Africa to catch up with development and achieve an inclusive and equitable economic growth. the report in MAP concluded.

The Japan Times reported that  Japan extended about ¥10.8 billion (1.o9 million dirhams) in low-interest yen loans to Morocco on Friday to help the country upgrade sewerage systems in regional areas, with Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba and Moroccan Economics and Finance Minister Nizar Baraka exchanging notes to that effect. MAP reported that the targeted communes are Bouarfa, Nador, Targuist, Essaouira, Berkane, Al Aroui, Taourirt, Ouarzazate and M’rirt.

He had talks with Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane and Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Minister Saad-Eddine el-Othmani that Japan will continue to support Morocco’s democratisation, including efforts to reduce regional disparities and develop industries, according to Japanese officials. The Japanese  foreign minister also met with King Mohammed VI and agreed to accelerate cooperation in the field of solar energy while confirming their aim to strengthen the two countries’ economic partnership by expanding investments from Japan

Source : https://www.marocafrik.com/english/TICAD-IV-calls-...

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