Saudi private sector investment for Tunisia

Mardi 13 Mars 2012

Following the visit of Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali with a business delegation to Saudi Arabia in February and the subesquent visit of Sheikh Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and chairman of the Dallah al Baraka Group to Tunisia, the effort to attract investment is bearing fruit, TAP reports.
Saudi private sector investment for Tunisia
A delegation of 24 Sudi businessmen has arrived in Tunis looking for investment opportunities in several sectors including industry,infrastructure and tourism. Dr Omar Suleiman Al Ajaji vice president of the Tunisian Saudi Business Council told TAP that a number of projects had undergone feasability studies and were awaiting Tunisian government approval.

 One of these was a plot of land of 10 hectares which it is planned to use for the creation of a world class hospital with an academy for students and a sports centre. Other projects include resitential property and a tourism project for Kairouan. Mohamed Khooli for the Tunisian side of the council said that other projects included agriculture to help both countries to achieve food self sufficiency in both countries  and the creation of Tunisian Saudi export companies for exportuing to Africa and Europe, accoring to TAP.

Source :

NAU - Agencies