Pursuant to Royal Orders, Interior Ministry Starts Movement Involving 38% of Territorial Administration Authority Agents

Samedi 23 Juin 2018

Rabat - Pursuant to the royal instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, calling for taking the necessary measures for a better efficiency and an exemplary rationalization of human resources of the authority agents corps, through the promotion of criteria of competence and merit in appointment for senior positions within the corps and the implementation of the constitutional principle of accountability, the interior ministry started a movement among the authority agents that involved 1,574 of them, said on Friday the interior ministry in a statement.

The ministry added that this movement concerned 38% of the corps members affiliated with the Territorial Administration, with a seniority of four years or more in the same position.

The movement is meant to conduct a partial redeployment to match positions with competence, fill vacant positions due to retirement and meet social and health requirements of authority agents, it noted. The movement was marked by the promotion to senior ranks of authority agents who met requisites and had oral tests supervised by committees made up of Walis and governors, said the statement, noting that the promotion procedure was applied for the first time and generalized to all promotions to higher ranks (secretary general, Pasha, chief of circle, chief of district and Caid). This procedure sets the rule for future appointment to senior positions within this corps, it said.

The exam results helped with the promotion to higher ranks of 212 authority agents distributed as follows:

Promotion of 22 Pashas, chiefs of circle and chiefs of district to the rank of secretary general.
Promotion of 163 caids to the ranks of Pasha, chief of circle and chief of district.
Promotion of 27 Khalifats of Caid to the rank of Caid.

This movement also helped to employ 114 new graduates of the Royal Institute of Territorial Administration, it said.

Pursuant to the principle of accountability against anyone failing to perform his duties and professional responsibilities, the interior ministry, aware that the implementation of this principle is the best example of equality in right and duties for officials and citizens, brought 110 authority agents before the competent disciplinary board and penalties were taken against them.

25 authority agents were dismissed, including one Wali and five governors, 21 authority agents were relieved from their official duties, including a governor, 29 were demoted, 21 were reprimanded and 14 received a warning.

The interior ministry will strive, in the light of the royal instructions, to reinforce an efficient approach in the management of human resources, an approach based on respecting the criteria of competence, merit and equal opportunities in the appointment to senior positions, while linking it to accountability mechanisms, it concluded. 

Source : https://www.emouaten.com/english/Pursuant-to-Royal...